HiTech House


contemporary house plans, design ideas, and high tech


Plans de maisons

Le style moderne, apparu au début du XXe siècle, est caractérisé par l'abandon des détails complexes et des ornements au profit de lignes droites et de matériaux minimalistes. Les architectes et designers se lancent des défis pour créer des maisons audacieuses et lumineuses, utilisant des murs aux lignes droites, des toits plats, des fenêtres panoramiques et des terrasses couvertes. Les maisons modernes peuvent être construites avec divers matériaux tels que l'ossature, la brique, le béton cellulaire, etc. Les façades peuvent être recouvertes d'un enduit, de panneaux de bois, de briques ou de pierres. Les nouvelles technologies permettent d'avoir des fenêtres lumineuses et des portes coulissantes en verre qui agrandissent l'espace de vie. De plus, de nombreux projets de maisons modernes incluent des photographies d'intérieurs, offrant un aperçu de l'aménagement intérieur. L'efficacité énergétique est une caractéristique importante des maisons modernes, notamment grâce aux maisons à ossature.

Фасад дома Бумер
Modern solar powered bungalow plan

The owners of this bungalow built for the future: They created a…

Northwest House Plan with a Contemporary Flair

Slanted shed rooflines add excitement and a contemporary flair to this…

Spectacular modern house with a deck over the garage

It's easy to imagine all your family members enjoying the sun on the…

3-Bed New American Contemporary House Plan with 2-Story Windows In Back

This contemporary 2-story house plan is designed to take advantage of…

Inexpensive 4-bedroom high-tech home plan for a sloping lot

The contemporary 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom home plan is perfect for hilly…

Modern flat-roof house plan with carport

This modern 100 sq. m.. single-storey house plan is suitable for quick and…

Chic Modern House Plan with a Roof Garden and Deck above the Garage

This House plan is suitable for a downsloping lot with a 2 car garage…

Barn house Style Plan For an Up Slopping lot

This modern Barnhouse-style home with two bedrooms has been designed with a…

Small Modern House Plan with two bedrooms and alfresco

The spacious kitchen and large room were designed as one continuous…

Modern 3-bedroom single-roof house plan with garage

On an area of just over 100 square meters, there is an open living room…

Barn Style House Plan Balance 131 V2

The BALANCE 131 is a compact dream house and thanks to its intelligently…

Modern two-storey 3-bedroom house with basement

This is a practical and compact 3-bedroom modern style house. The exterior…


Two-storey house with a loft, panoramic windows and large decks

Modern two-story frame house with 10 x 10 panoramic windows

Spectacular modern house with a deck over the garage

Modern two-story house plan with an attached garage for narrow lot

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