HiTech House


contemporary house plans, design ideas, and high tech


Modern brick house plans

Plan de maison moderne avec fenêtres panoramiques d'angle, balcon et chambres à coucher au premier étage

Le plan de la maison moderne à deux étages (106 m2) comprend une disposition bien pensée où il y a…

Plan of a modern frame house, with panoramic windows and a spacious terrace

Thanks to the wooden frame, this modern house is multifunctional and straightforward in its own way.…

A modern single-story house with corner panoramic windows

This single-story cottage plan appeals to three available roof options, appealing modern…

Modern House Plan for a sloping lot with panoramic windows

The clear, straight lines of this house plan with its extensive glazing are a clear indication of…

Plan for a modern two-storey aerated concrete house with a 2-car garage

The hipped roof with a shallow pitch and beautiful overhangs is robust and practical. Large windows,…

Modern frame house with a flat roof and panoramic windows

A modern bungalow for a small family to live in. The flat roof and panoramic glazing accentuate the…

Modern two-family detached frame house with carport

A-frame modern duplex designed to be built on a small plot. The two-storey plan with panoramic…

Plan of a 2-storey frame house with panoramic windows and bay windows in a modern style

This modern house plan has an enchanting appeal with its architecture, from a distance reminiscent…

Modern house with a huge panoramic window on the console

Like a giant telescope, the residents of this house can see the surrounding landscape from the…

A modern home with a high-tech home automation system - the smart home

Plan of a framed house with gable roof and attic balcony with extended glazing on the ground floor.

Plan of a two-bedroom frame single-storey house

A spacious single-storey house with a gable roof and attached garage. A suitable out-of-town…

A modern two-storey flat-roof house for a small plot

Plan for a two-storey, modern-style, frame-built house. Three bedrooms are placed on the first floor…

Modern brick house plans are not the most popular, because of the construction of a brick house. It is necessary to spend a lot of money. The brick house is a durable building, and it was necessary to build it so that in 200 years, this house looked beautiful and was convenient for future inhabitants. Brick houses are difficult to rebuild; therefore, refer to the choice of a brick house plan with special care. Try to choose a strict and simple plan for a brick house, then it will be in fashion for many years to come. Be inspired by the ideas by looking at several modern plans for high-tech brick houses, in styles Bauhaus and Cubism, which we picked up for you.


Architect Robson Rack: The old house turns into a new one

Contemporary two-storey house plan with a living room and a kitchen on the second floor

The modern two-storey house Lynix with a garage and a balcony

Modern single story brick house plan for a narrow lot: The Dune House

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