HiTech House


contemporary house plans, design ideas, and high tech


Plans de maisons modernes

Le style moderne, apparu au début du XXe siècle, est caractérisé par l'abandon des détails complexes et des ornements au profit de lignes droites et de matériaux minimalistes. Les architectes et designers se lancent des défis pour créer des maisons audacieuses et lumineuses, utilisant des murs aux lignes droites, des toits plats, des fenêtres panoramiques et des terrasses couvertes. Les maisons modernes peuvent être construites avec divers matériaux tels que l'ossature, la brique, le béton cellulaire, etc. Les façades peuvent être recouvertes d'un enduit, de panneaux de bois, de briques ou de pierres. Les nouvelles technologies permettent d'avoir des fenêtres lumineuses et des portes coulissantes en verre qui agrandissent l'espace de vie. De plus, de nombreux projets de maisons modernes incluent des photographies d'intérieurs, offrant un aperçu de l'aménagement intérieur. L'efficacité énergétique est une caractéristique importante des maisons modernes, notamment grâce aux maisons à ossature.

Фасад дома Бумер

Plan of a two-bedroom frame single-storey house

A spacious single-storey house with a gable roof and attached garage. A suitable out-of-town bungalow with a versatile, light-flooded layout.

A modern two-storey flat-roof house for a small plot

Plan for a two-storey, modern-style, frame-built house. Three bedrooms are placed on the first floor next to two bathrooms. The entire ground floor is…

Modern two-storey frame house with 10 x 10 panoramic windows

The exciting plan of the modern house excites the imagination with its architectural design - a semi-circular wall with extensive glazing extending…

L-shaped floor plan for a modern style permanent formwork house

Modern L-shaped houses are becoming more and more enjoyable to potential builders due to the possibility of using an inner courtyard. Our plan is…

Plan for a two-storey flat-roofed high-tech house

The frame house in a modern style impresses with its façade. Large floor-to-ceiling windows, white plastered walls and, of course, a full-wall balcony…

Should you build ICF house or traditional frame one?

ICF cast-in-place concrete homes are structurally safer. Unlike traditional frame houses, ICF homes can withstand natural disasters such as…

The plan for an ICF formwork house with high-tech technology

This is a classic-looking house, but the modern style is present in both the construction technology and the design of the façade and interior.

Model plan for an aerated concrete or cellular concrete house with a modern design

This plan's simple and conservative concept has not prevented the author from introducing a colourful and exciting design solution to the façade. The…

Modern Finnish house with great planning

Many people dream of a well made plan of a Finnish house with a modern and memorable design. Take a look at the Finnish house plan called "Kemijärvi",…

Is air conditioning an ancient invention?

It is hard to imagine, but such a valuable invention of humanity as an air conditioner is more than 2 thousand years old! Even the ancient Persians…

Plan for a two-story house for a sloping plot in a modern style

A superb plan for a modern home designed by an architect with a great love for bold and exclusive design solutions. Everything here is so spectacular…

Floor plans for a high-tech single-storey house with a two-car garage

This house is the most suitable option for those who love everything new and practical. The architect has taken everything into account in creating…


Modern two-story house plan with a basement: The Philipp House

Floor plans for a high-tech single-story house with a two-car garage

Modern One-storey Brick House: The Eastyn House

Large modern one-storey house plan with stone cladding: the Hobb's architect

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