HiTech House


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Ventilation in an energy - efficient modern house


According to many, living far from the city in the countryside or separate cottage settlements is the only solution for breathing and enjoying the fresh air. But in fact, it is not so. No matter what materials are constructed, a modern home has double glazing wrapped in the air - and perosamine is just a sealed bottle. Fresh air is minimal, and modern finishing materials and care products make the country house the same as in the city centre's apartment.

For a suitable microclimate in the house, you need constant fresh air to remove the pollution altogether. Air without dust, no toxic substances, not less than 20% oxygen, not more than 0.3% carbon dioxide, day temperature 20-24°C, night 18-20°C, relative humidity 50-60%, air circulation 0.1-0.15 m / s.

 Houses are built necessarily with a system of natural supply and exhaust ventilation. In the bathrooms, kitchen, and living space, we have vent channels that constantly draw the air, creating a slight vacuum. But the flow of air must come necessarily, for this built-in supply valves in the walls, windows, etc., it moves in the direction of the exhaust ducts, ventilating the whole house. But here, it should be emphasized that good natural ventilation works when the output channel height of at least 10 meters. And then, in the winter, at a temperature difference, the air from the house begins to fly with a whistle into the pipe, at the same time tightening there and your budget, designed for heating. And in the summer of another picture, the house receives more heated air, and in extreme heat, the airflow can turn in the opposite direction. The convection has not been cancelled. There are also problems with the purity of the supply air.


In this article, I confidently recommend everyone to install and use modern ventilation, as if specially invented for an energy-efficient home. The principle of action I will tell you is how you can simply and clearly. The name of this ventilation is reversibly decentralized with heat recovery. It consists of two cylinders made of durable material placed inside the reverse fans, filters and heat accumulators. The ends are dressed accordingly with decorative covers.

Fans like cooling computers that do not have several high-speed modes, such as low noise and electricity consumption, are comparable to an incandescent bulb of 50 watts. The heat accumulators are different, but generally, ceramic or glass tubes. With removable filters, everything is clear. Devices are placed in the walls of opposite rooms as high as possible.

Automation works so that the fans are switched on simultaneously but in different directions and switch synchronously, thereby ensuring constant air exchange in the room. It should be noted that it is necessary to have an air connection of at least 1 cm between the rooms. With closed doors, the air can penetrate through the gap above the floor.

And why do we need heat accumulators-you to ask? That's where we came to the highlight of this project.

The air goes out for a few seconds through the first battery, and after the second one comes in, our flows either cool down or heat up due to receiving or giving heat to the heat exchanger. A striking example in the cold season: on the street -30, in the house + 24. Warm air, leaving through 1 heat exchanger, heats it, and after reverse switching, the cold air from the street heats up from it and enters the house not-30, but + 10, +15 degrees. At the same time, this process occurs on two devices. You have to adjust the time of switching fans. A similar effect also appears in the hot season, only now the warm air enters the house cooling, as before that the outgoing flow will cool the heat exchanger.

Sum up:

We got fresh and clean air.
We save 50% of our budget on heating and air conditioning.
So modern energy-efficient house exists, and we can not worry about what will have to breathe dirty and harmful air.


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