HiTech House



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从街上看,房子的外墙像一个立方体,几乎没有窗户。这并不奇怪,因为来自卢森堡的基弗家族非常重视隐私和经济。但也有其他充分的理由。他们的新家必须符合最现代的环境标准。被动房标准要求北方的外墙尽可能少的窗户,以减少热量损失。 可容纳两辆车的车库隔离了生活区,是房屋的一种门廊。 同时,南面的立面面向花园。该建筑在所有三个层面上都是开放的,从窗户可以看到令人惊叹的景色。山地部分的自然地形被保留下来。这里还显示了一种清晰的形式语言。




楼层 2 卧室。 4 车库。 两车位车库 加热区。 381 平米2 1楼广场。 192 平米2 2楼广场。 189 平米2
屋顶。 平坦的 卧室。 4
最大房屋高度 墙体材料。 框架结构 外墙包层。 灰泥 基金会。 白天的地下室 户外生活。 阳台 窗口。 全景窗

Specials inside:
Extremely comfortably equipped with spacious living area - hobby and fitness room with sauna in the basement, also a wine cellar in the basement - open-plan living-dining and cooking area with airy gallery above the dining table - separate scullery, HWR, and pantry - the office can be moved through a sliding shelf Module are separated from the living room - a cozy fireplace acts as an additional room divider - the Garge lies within the building. From here you can go directly into the living area and can store purchases right in the pantry - z. T. individual carpenter furniture - own area for the clients in the attic with bedroom, dressing room, and bath - three children's rooms, z. T. with own bathroom - library in the DG offers a welcome retreat from the stress of everyday life - BUS technology with display in the hallway of the EC, with which everything is controlled: light, heating, Jaousien, etc. - Central vacuum cleaner - LED lighting

The decor of the bathroom uses natural colors: gray and white with furniture made from natural wood.

In the backyard of the house built a swimming pool and pergola with a hanging hammock for outdoor recreation






Hitech-house © copyright 2017